


除了我们的 综合大学预科课程, we offer several distinct academic programs that are unique to 澳门金沙app下载. 像大多数小型寄宿学校一样, 我们在课堂上提供了无数的“动手”学习机会, 但我们也超越了其他地方提供的服务. 我们的科学, 技术, 工程, and math (阀杆) courses and co-curricular programs provide students with diverse, 创新, 在不同的领域有世界级的学习机会.


High-quality 阀杆 education is critical for students who want to thrive in the modern world. 阀杆职业的增长速度明显快于平均水平, and university graduates with 阀杆 degrees have higher earning potentials than their peers.

However, 阀杆 opportunities do not just enhance learning for science and tech-loving students. Exposure to 阀杆 concepts and hands-on learning provides all students with the critical thinking skills, 数学素养, and science acumen they need to become the next generation of innovators across all types of academic, 运动, 个人追求.



  • 学习、参与、应用、执行(飞跃)
  • 创新与设计
  • 创业研究
  • 机器人 & 工程

These courses provide students with a chance to gain practical "First-Hand Experiences" that are seldom offered at the high school level. These experiences help our students develop their passions and interests and distinguish 澳门金沙app下载 students during the 大学招生 过程.

澳门金沙app下载关于诺思伍德学校的学习机会,请浏览我们的 课程目录 并在下面阅读更多关于我们标志性的阀杆项目.


阀杆 courses and co-curricular opportunities are critical for contemporary students, 还有澳门金沙app下载, we are uniquely positioned to provide our students with 阀杆-based opportunities they cannot get anywhere else. From the stunning natural beauty and science-in-action of the Adirondack Mountains, 以广泛的学习机会在 创新中心 在市中心的普莱西德湖, 与当地科学家和企业主的合作, our 阀杆 programming is 设计ed to nurture our students academically and personally.

At 澳门金沙app下载, we are not like other boarding schools located in the middle of nowhere. 而不是, 我们在一个特别的地方, and our world-class location provides students with the learning and growing opportunities they need to become the curious, 订婚了, 他们这一代的问题解决者. 准备好让您的孩子在私立学校接受领先的教育? 那么,今天就澳门金沙app下载吧. We would love to help you set up a virtual or in-person tour of our campus and facilities.

L.E.A.P. 程序
计算机编程 & 机器人
创新 & 设计